Sealed proposals will be received by The Benton Area School District, at the Benton Area School District Administration Building, 600 Green Acres Road, Benton PA 17814 until Friday, NOVEMBER 15, 2024 @ 10:00 a.m. for Professional Services. The Project entails the completion of study proposal to examine and make recommendations for the best use/repurposing of two sites on the campus of the Benton Area School District The district desires a qualified firm to examine the current conditions of the existing playground adjacent to L.R. Appleman Elementary School as well as the condition of the existing tennis court area adjacent to the baseball field. The district seeks a firm to make recommendations for the highest best use of both areas for the benefit of Benton Area School District Students. The study should explore options for the rebuilding of the playground in its current location while addressing drainage and equipment condition issues. The study should also include consideration of eliminating the playground at its current location and then addressing what other options may exist for converting the playground site into parking or filed use while also addressing drainage.

The study should also address the removal of two tennis courts at a second location, the rebuilding of one tennis court, the concept of creating possible entryway into the ballfield and the possibility of relocating a playground on or around the removed tennis court site. This should also include provisions for proper protective barriers (fencing) around any recommended play areas. Parking and landscaping may also be consideration for both areas being studied. All proposals received will be publicly read aloud by the District on Friday, November 15th, @ 10:00 a.m. in the Administration Building.

Copies of the Request for Proposals will be available at the Administration Building during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

The Proposals must be in the form provided by the District and sealed in an envelope marked with “Request for Proposal – Benton Area School District Playground and Courts”.

No bidder may withdraw their bid within sixty (60) days after the date set for receiving and opening bids.

Benton Area School District reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all proposals or parts thereof for any causes whatsoever, and to waive any informality in the bids as they deem necessary for the best interests of the District.

The full proposal document (PDF file) can be found here.